Special Olympics Second Sarawak State Games 17th -18th April 2010
Venue Sibu Tun Zaidi Stadium
Healthy Athletes program was organized and the Disciplines include:
1. Opening Eyes (Special Olympics Lion International Opening Eyes)
2. Healthy Hearing
3. Health promotion
4. Fun fitness
5. Fit Feet
6. Special Smiles
During the games, healthy athlete program would screen the healthy athletes by these discipline. Optimize their vision, hearing, general health, joint movement and coordinations, properly fitted shoe, etc. In many instances, Healthy athletes may not be able to communicate well with parents or teacher or coaches.
Many of the Healthy athletes actually were found having poor vision, never had their eye checked and with this program they would invariable do better in the games.
Want to find out more what is Special Olympics: please visit
For the Opening Eye Program
Clinical coordinator: Dr Chieng Lee Ling
Eye care professional volunteers: The whole team of eye department hospital Sibu
Dr Peter Chong, Dr Ting, MA Khajudin, SN Ragaya, JM Wong, Optometrist Ridzuan, Optometrist Sulastry, Optometrist Suzzana
We are also helped by 7 LIONs volunteers from Ulu Kapit, Sibu and Bintangor.
Athletes screened 140
Athletes prescribed with Free glasses: 41
(Glasses are sponsored by Essilor)
An athlete underwent interesting color vision testing
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